Pay attention to these Immune boosting Foods

1. Chicken Soup

Hot chicken soup is our mother’s favourite .We often hear people recommending paya soup or chicken soup in case of running nose.It’s a good thing since nasal secretions help rid the body of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Like any hot liquid, soup also helps you to stay hydrated and raises the temperature of the airways, both of which are important for loosening secretions

2. Yogurt

Regular consumption of yogurt helps in keeping one’s immune system strong as it has good bacteria –Probiotics. Look for products labeled with a “Live & Active Cultures” seal from the National Yogurt Association, which signifies that the yogurt contains a set minimum amount of two particular types of beneficial bacteria but there is no guarantee of probiotic power—the bacterial counts don’t differentiate between added probiotic organisms and the bacteria that’s used to ferment the yogurt—the seal is a helpful start.There are a lot of  new “probiotic” cereals ,granola bars and drinks available in the market now,but  it’s not always clear how much good bacteria the manufacturers  actually add to the products or if the strains included are effective.

3. Vitamin D

If you don't spend much time in the sun or always are careful to cover your skin (sunscreen  inhibits vitamin D production), you should speak to your doctor about taking a vitamin D supplement, particularly if you have risk factors for vitamin D deficiency.In a study published recently in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, children who took daily vitamin D supplements (1,200 IU) were 40 percent less likely to get a common flu virus than kids who took a placebo. Laboratory studies indicate that the nutrient may help immune cells identify and destroy bacteria and viruses that make us sick, says Adit Ginde, M.D., M.P.H., a public health researcher at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver. Since the majority of Americans don’t get enough vitamin D, most experts recommend a D supplement. You can also get it (in small doses) from fatty fish, such as salmon, and fortified milk—and your body makes vitamin D from the sun.

4. Soluble fiber

Fiber does way more than just keep you regular. The rough stuff can also help lower cholesterol, keep your blood sugar stable, make it easier to lose weight,, and even help keep you alive longer.A new study touts the benefits of soluble fiber -- found in oats, apples, and nuts, for starters -- saying that it reduces the inflammation associated with obesity-related diseases and strengthens the immune system. Insoluble fiber, found in whole wheat and whole-grain products, wheat bran, and green, leafy vegetables, is also valuable for providing bulk and helping food move through the digestive system,improving bowel-related health problems, like constipation, hemorrhoids, and fecal incontinence but it doesn't provide the boost to the immune system that soluble fiber provides. Strive for 25 to 35 grams of total fiber a day, but pay extra attention to getting the soluble kind.

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